Swimming and Physical Education
In addition to regular Physical Education classes, every student from first through fifth grade at Cherokee will participate in our swimming program for four, three-week sessions during the school year.
Physical Education
Students have been working hard on several new activities in physical education.
Students focus a great deal on the concepts of self-assessment and peer-assessment. These skills are vital to student performance and success.
With the use of individual videos highlighting specific skills, self-assessment and peer-assessment allow students to see what they are currently doing correctly, and what they need to focus on improving.
Cherokee Heights students are incredibly reflective and open to growing as they develop important physical/cognitive skills.
Every student from first through fifth grade at Cherokee will participate in our swimming program for four, three-week sessions during the school year.
The majority of our curriculum is based on the American Red Cross Swimming Program.
It is our hope that every student at Cherokee Heights will finish the year with the skills to enjoy and participate in swimming in the future. As part of our course work we will teach water-safety skills, the importance of safety and a "healthy" respect for the water.
Swimming is a part of the Cherokee Heights curriculum and every student is required to take swimming unless (s)he has a medical excuse.
Students need a swim suit and a towel for swimming class. Every student is required to wear a swim cap while swimming. Cherokee Heights will provide a swim cap for each student during swim class.
As always, you have an open invitation to visit the gym or pool at Cherokee Heights during your students' physical education class. We look forward to seeing you soon!